High-Temperature Ceramics
Ceramic Components for High-Temperature
Tubes made of densely-sintered high-quality Al2O3 ceramics are tried-and-tested components in plant used in the glass and metal manufacturing and processing industry, in industrial furnace manufacturing and in the chemical base-materials industry. Such systems operate in conditions that place exceptionally high demands on the dimensional stability of the ceramics in a corrosive environment as well as at extreme temperatures.
Among the densely-sintered ceramic types, the material and product behaviour of DEGUSSIT AL23 provide the optimum combination. The dimensional stability of DEGUSSIT AL23 can be surpassed only by DEGUSSIT AL24. At temperatures exceeding 1500°C, DEGUSSIT AL23 and DEGUSSIT AL24 materials truly prove their exceptional qualities!
- Measurement and control technology
- Thermal analyses
- Research and development
- Furnace construction
- Glass industry
- Steel industry
Product examples:
- Tubes and insulation rods
- Multiple capillaries
- Insulation beads
- Crucibles, boats and combustion trays
- Grinding bodies
- Plates
- Slide blocks for furnace construction
Consult our standard product range or contact us to order customized components for any specific application.